The Weird Island of Dwarf Ponies

The Weird Island of Dwarf Ponies

If you love horses, this destination should be on your bucket list. The island is off the coast of Scotland and is often referred to as “The Edge of the World”. It's remote, off the beaten path and definitely enchanting.

The island of Foula – a Shetland island off the coast of Scotland has more tiny ponies than people. One of Britain's most remote inhabited islands, it is home to colonies of sea birds and a population of 38.

It is designated as a special protection area, a national scenic area and a site of special scientific interest for its plants, birds and geology. It is believed to be where Shetland ponies originated from and horses have apparently lived there since the Bronze Age.

The Foula residents make their mostly living from farming sheep or breeding Shetland ponies that number over 1,500. That's 50 ponies to every one person! If residents need to go to the shop, dentist or even the pub, they need to make the 20 mile commute across the straight.

Foula even uses a different calendar to the rest of the world, going by the Julian calendar, meaning Christmas is celebrated on 6 January and New Year's Day is on the 13th. Much more reason to visit the island, if you've missed out on the festivities by any chance.
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