A Goldfish Gets Life-Saving Surgery

A Goldfish Gets Life-Saving Surgery

Owning a pet is not an easy job, but how far would you go to save one? And would it be different for a dog, cat, or even goldfish?

One-year-old little Conquer is no ordinary goldfish. The aquatic pet received a life-saving emergency veterinary surgery last week thanks to owner Emma Marsh.

Emma became horrified when her beloved pet struggled to breathe after a tiny rock had become lodged across the side of his mouth. She quickly rushed it to The Brisbane Bird and Exotics Veterinary Services. 

When she arrived with Conquer to The Brisbane Bird and Exotics Veterinary Services, they were in luck. Fortunately, the veterinarians were able to grip the tiny object and slowly remove it from Conquer’s oral cavity.

“We did this by dripping an anesthetic agent into the water until Conquer was asleep enough to allow us a good look in his mouth,” said a Facebook caption.

The 21-year-old woman from Kuraby, Australia, paid A$500 for emergency surgery for the pet ranchu goldfish. She paid more than 375 USD to save her $12 goldfish. Just goes to prove that some people have no limit when it comes to saving their dear pets.

The clinic has posted photos and descriptions on Facebook of the life-saving surgery. They believe that all animals, from cats and dogs to the more exotic species all require the same level of care.
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